Asian Youth Act is a nonpartisan not-for-profit organization that aims to highlight the disparities in society among minorities and educate its audience of 10 thousand ambitious youth, further fostering civic engagement in the international community.


Local Opportunities Service

Beginning in 2024, Asian Youth Act will be launching a service for our audience to have the ability to quickly and easily find local opportunities to serve the Asian communities in their city! AYA hopes that this service will increase civic engagement and participation in cultural events because of its convenience and comprehensibility.

The cities on our list for 2024 are listed below in the scrolling marquee. If you’d like to suggest a city to be added in 2025, please navigate to our contact page and send in an email!

Atlanta • New York City • Los Angeles • San Francisco • Baltimore • Toronto

Listen to Our Podcast!

Circulasian is the cultural center that connects traditions, politics, social justice, and more about the Asian diaspora. Stay tuned to hear more social commentary and conversations. Circulasian is the official discussion branch of Asian Youth Act (AYA), a nonpartisan, civic organization that strives to educate and empower Asian youth globally to take action and innovate.

Suggest a Topic

Our content teams are always looking for inspirational and current topics to research, and the most pertinent source would be you! If you have an idea for an infographic, toolkit, or any other medium of content, let us know through this google form!