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Tag: tale

  • Asian Folklore: The Arabian Nights

    Author: Tayida Phanich Editor: Lina Gallo We’ve all heard of Aladdin, the Disney adaptation making us sing “A Whole New World!” at the top of our lungs whenever the scene comes on, but besides that, what other tales from the Arabian Nights have you heard of? Probably nothing right? However, Aladdin, along with a thousand…

  • Asian Folklore: The Tails of the Kumiho

    Author: Tayida Phanich Editor: Lina Gallo A faint orange hue illuminated the once pitch-black forest, cutting a path for the lone traveler. Instinctively, he walked towards the light source, taking careful steps in an attempt not to injure himself on stray pebbles or twigs. Pak Munsu had been warned about the creatures that roamed the…